Cathey, as I was reading the poem and your message after I was thinking this is so me right now. I was just talking with a friend last week about being uninspired lately and uncertainty of where I am walking on my current path. All the other roads I have been on in my life have led me to where I am today. Yes, my life may have been different if I had chosen a couple of other roads along the way, the blessings may have been different too, but I’m happy with the roads I did choose as they have filled my life with so many wonderful blessings! The current road is the one where I have been thinking more about the what if’s, and where to’s....over the weekend I have noticed more signs guiding me, your blog today is one of them. My faith tells me I am heading down the right road...for now. I’m glad our roads have crossed, as your writings have inspired me...thank you!

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This poem you have featured is one of my favourite that Robert Frost has written. Thinking about my life I’m so happy and content with the road I chose. I’m so happy with the life I have the last 35 years together with my soulmate. I wouldn’t change anything!! Thank you Cathey for another great piece of writing!!

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The fact that your road intersected with mine I’m so thankful. Life’s choices have multiple forks in them. No matter your choice God would have been with you moving the stumbling blocks out of your way unless He needed to use one to help in His guidance. We look for peace within and if we find it we can walk away from the what if’s and toward our goals of making God our Father proud.

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Cathey, I’ve felt a little uninspired myself lately. Wonder if there’s something in the air? In my case, I think a bit of it is on me. However, the songwriting has picked up a bit. I’ve taken roads where impulsive decisions were made. I’ve also made them through God’s guidance. As I’ve gotten older and grown in my faith, I tend to be more careful and focused on God’s will and not my own. But again that independent and prideful side comes out and then God points out not your will but mine, Anne. All that said, God’s timing usually wins out and it’s teaching me patience and to be more vulnerable. When that happens, almost always God reveals what he would have me write and share. We’re all on different paths, but one thing for certain, if I hadn’t listened to God a year ago about joining this community, none of this would have happened. God knew what was always there for any of us. We just have to be open to receiving and taking that leap of faith and choose wisely. Thank you for sharing Cathey!

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Oh boy! This tugs at me. I made a truly life altering decision on which path I took. Unfortunately, I chose it due to PTSD. This is difficult for me, but I lost out on love, marriage and children. I will never know these things and it haunts me at times. As I get older, I see the empty road ahead. The lonely life with no purpose. It's a frightening thought.

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I love reading his poems, when my parents told me marrying Ralph that it will be a lifetime commitment. I didn’t realize that until I got sick how committed he was towards my being and married this amazing man for 43 years . I am very grateful and blessed I cross paths with you along with few others .

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Cathey Cone

I'm nearly 77years old, so there are countless paths I took or could have taken. The best one was when I joined a Christian group called Kairos that operates in prisons. I spent 11 joyful years participating and leading in that group at a women's max. prison, as well as leading a discussion group on Boundaries and serving as a lay chaplain. I have precious memories, and I learned so much.

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Thank you Cathey for this insightful piece of writing. It always seems that yours and others pieces come at just the right time. There are days when I too wonder about the other fork, the what ifs, and then come back to reality and realize that the Universe guided me down the path I needed to take. Blessings and thank you again.

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Cathey Cone

I agree Cathey there was a lot to learn along the way. Most of my thoughts went to the fact that my husband and I never took the easy route. It made for a very varied life.

I wouldn’t change it even with many challenges!🙏🏻

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That's an interesting question and actually quite affirming as I think about it. In looking back at those important crossroads, I consciously chose and continue to choose the road less traveled. There are no regrets - at least about the big choices. Some decisions were intuitive - I just knew in my heart. - they were right. Others were more calculated - I talked with others, read, and researched the options. Certainly if I had chosen the other fork along the way my life would have been different. I wouldn't have moved to California, had a 60 year marriage and a family, or become a psychologist. All choices that brought meaning and purpose to my life,

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Cathey Cone

There have been a lot of “what Ifs” in my life but I’m happy and content with the paths taken. Some were easier than others but that’s life. Thanks for making me reminisce on some good times! Appreciate you Cathey🙏🏻

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Cathey Cone

I, too, love Robert Frost’s poem. And thank you for your writings regarding decisions we all seem to make in our lives..Very nice way to begin a Monday morning…

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deletedApr 17, 2023Liked by Cathey Cone
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